This page is a comprehensive overview of all proposals types as it pertains to governance of Root.
Table of Contents
Root Stalk Proposal (RSP)
In all cases:
A Root Holder's vote for a given proposal is counted as their minimum Roots between the beginning and end of the Voting Period, or Voting Roots;
1 Voting Root equals 1 vote;
Voting Abstain is equivalent to voting Against;
The Root being used in the Snapshot vote must not be corrupted by multi-block MEV or any other similar manipulation around the block indicating the beginning of the Voting Period; and
The proposer must meet the minimum Root threshold to propose at both the beginning and end of the Voting Period (in Voting Root terms).
All past proposals can be read here.
Root Improvement Proposal
Root Improvement Proposals, or RIPs, are proposals to change Root or Root governance. Any Root Holder that owns at least 0.1% of total Roots can propose a RIP. Any Root Holder can vote For or Abstain.
The Voting Period opens when the Snapshot proposal for a RIP can be voted on and closes after 7 days or when it is committed with a supermajority.
If at the end of the Voting Period:
Less than or equal to 50% of the total Voting Roots votes For the RIP, it fails, or
More than 50% of the total Voting Roots votes For the RIP, it passes.
If at any time 24 hours or more after the beginning and before the end of the Voting Period more than two-thirds of the total Voting Roots votes For the BIP, the Root DAO Multisig (RDM) can execute the RIP.
BIPs are proposed on the Root DAO Snapshot page. Past BIPs can be read here.
Root Stalk Proposal
Root Stalk Proposals, or RSPs, are proposals to determine how Root should use its Stalk to vote in non-BIP governance proposals, and distribute yield, if ever. Any Root Holder can propose a RSP and vote For or Abstain.
The Voting Period for RSPs is 7 days by default but can be reasonably shortened to ensure the will of Root DAO can be reflected in the governance process.
If at the end of the Voting Period:
Less than or equal to 50% of the total Voting Roots votes For the RSP, it fails, or
More than 50% of the total Voting Roots votes For the RSP, it passes.
RIPs are proposed on the Root Stalk Proposals Snapshot page. Past RSPs can be read here.
Last updated